2-factor auth with FIDO2 keys

OpenSSH version 8.3 and newer are able to use FIDO2 security keys to isolate private key material and to require “proof of presence” before performing cryptographic operations.

If you have a FIDO2 key, you can request that we switch to it for your ssh access, which will add strong multi-factor protection to your credentials.

Initial PIN setup

Before you do anything else, you should set up a PIN on your device. We do not recommend using a device without a PIN, because this removes an important authentication factor (“something you know”) and allows anyone in possession of your device to authenticate as you.

You can use the manufacturer’s tools (e.g. Yubikey-Manager) to set up a PIN for your device, or you can use any Chromium based browser for the same purpose:

Generating a ssh key

It is not possible to load a pre-existing ssh key onto a FIDO2 token – you have to generate one directly on the device. For this reason we recommend getting two devices and repeating the procedure for both of them, if you are worried that you’d be locked out if you lose access to your primary one.

To generate a ssh key on your device:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519-sk -O resident -O verify-required -C "Some smart comment"

If you set up a PIN on your device, you can leave the passphrase blank.


It’s possible that your device does not support ed25519 cryptography. In that case, use -t ecdsa-sk.

If you have a backup device, repeat the process and save the keys into a different set of files.

Verifying that it works

Before you send in your new key, you should make sure that you are able to use it for ssh connections. You can add the public key to your local account and then try to ssh to localhost (assuming you have sshd enabled on your workstation):

cat .ssh/id_ed25519_sk.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 0600 .ssh/authorized_keys
ssh -i .ssh/id_ed25519_sk -o "IdentityAgent none" localhost

You should be prompted to enter your PIN, and then touch the device to confirm physical presence.

If everything is working as expected, you are ready to send in your FIDO2 ssh key to the helpdesk.

Submitting your FIDO2 ssh key

We will continue to use PGP to verify kernel developers’ digital identity, so you will need to send in your key in a message signed by the PGP key that we have on file for you.

This is the easiest mechanism to do so:

cat .ssh/id_ed25519_sk.pub | gpg --clearsign > signed_sk_key.txt

Send a message to helpdesk@kernel.org requesting that we switch your access to a FIDO2 ssh key and attach signed_sk_key.txt.


Make sure it’s id_ed25519_sk.pub, not id_ed25519_sk. While you won’t really be leaking your private key (it’s just a key handle pointing at the device with the actual key), we can’t do anything useful with its contents.

If you’ve made a backup key, send them both as two different attachments.

Setting up your FIDO2 key on another computer

If you’ve switched computers, you will need to set up your FIDO2 key with openssh on the new system. It is sufficient to insert your FIDO2 device and run:

ssh-keygen -K

This will require entering your PIN and touching the device, and will write out the private key handle and the public key that you can then configure with ssh.

Configuring ssh

See How to set up your ssh access for details on how to configure your ssh access.